
This component displays an alert so users are aware of a system or action status.

This is an info message

This is a dismissable info message

This is a success message

This is a dismissable success message

This is a warning message

This is a dismissable warning message

This is an error message

This is a dismissable error message

This is a full width info message

This is a dismissable full width info message

This is a full width success message

This is a dismissable full width success message

This is a full width warning message

This is a dismissable full width warning message

This is a full width error message

This is a dismissable full width error message

Usage Criteria

This component communicates the status of an action or system, which in turn may influence what actions users take next.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do use the correct colour setting based on the message context (ie. use green only for success messages, and red only for errors).
  • Do not use this component anywhere other than the top of a page.
  • Do not use more than one instance of this component on a page.

Design Notes

For messages that pertain to the entire site, make the component full width. For messages that only apply to the specific page or section the user is on, the grid width size can be used.

Configurable Options

This component allows the configuration of the alert Type, which changes the colour of the alert. Checkboxes are available to toggle whether the alert is dismissable or full width. By default, the alert will be grid width and not be dismissable.

Developer Notes

Type Name
AEM Component Name Alert
Code Base Name  
SCSS Attributes  