Marketing Tiles Container

This component offers previews of a variety of content within a given topic, and can direct interested users to learn more.

Usage Criteria

This component is used for marketing purposes, and offers previews of a variety of content within a given topic. Each marketing tile is actionable and can take the user to learn more about the content they click on.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do ensure the content of each marketing tile relates reasonably well to the overarching topic (ie. If the header of the group is "New to gaming", avoid having a marketing tile under it that is unrelated to games).

Design Notes

Unlike other components, the marketing tiles have an automatic dark overlay behind the text to ensure legibility. Because of this, the images assets themselves do not require editing to include it beforehand.

Configurable Options

Each marketing tile has the option to configure the Card Text and Image. At the bottom of the Card Text tab is a checkbox to remove the dark gradient, if the need arises. The heading for the marketing tile group is configured in a separate window, where the copy and URL can also be specified.

Developer Notes

Type Name
AEM Component Name Marketing Tiles Container
Code Base Name  
SCSS Attributes  