CTA Encore

This component is used specifically to higlight content involving Encore Rewards.

encore card being passed to hand
Left Image with CTA


CTA Label
encore card being passed to hand
Left Image


encore card being passed to hand
Right Image with CTA


CTA Label
encore card being passed to hand
Right Image


Usage Criteria

This component is used to highlight content about the Encore Rewards program, and allows users to perform related actions like read more or sign up.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do not use this component for any content not related to Encore Rewards.
  • Do not directly stack multiples of this component side by side. If there are multiple instances present on the same page, have dividing content in between to separate them.

Design Notes

If the content available is unrelated to Encore Rewards but the format of this component is ideal for the use case, consider using the CTA 5050 component instead, which features the same layout but can be used for any topic.

This component is branded specifically for Encore Rewards and the design is not configurable.

Configurable Options

This component is configured with a Title, Decription Text, and optional CTA. The alignment of the image can be changed under the Image Properties tab.

Developer Notes

Type Name
AEM Component Name CTA Encore
Code Base Name  
SCSS Attributes  