
This component displays a video for users to watch.

Usage Criteria

This component allows users to watch a video using the player provided by the platform it is hosted on.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do not have multiple instances of this component stacked next to each other; please have dividing content in between if it will be used more than once.

Design Notes

When pairing video with content, ensure that it is clear which content the video relates to. For example, if there is text at the top and bottom of the video but the video is related to only the top paragraph, make sure that there are clear dividers of the different sections.

Configurable Options

This component has options to configure the type of video: DAM, YouTube, or Vimeo. DAM videos can be uploaded by dragging and dropping the video to the DAM Video asset area, whereas the YouTube and Vimeo videos will require a Video ID.

The video player size can also be configured.

Developer Notes

Type Name
AEM Component Name Video
Code Base Name  
SCSS Attributes  