
This pattern helps users provide an address by one of the following:

  • Address lookup
  • Multiple text inputs

How it works

When using an address lookup, you should:

  • Make it clear that only Canadian addresses will work
  • Provide a manual option for people with international addresses or addresses that are missing or not properly listed in the address lookup
  • Allow postal code entry in upper or lower case and with or without spaces

When using a format with multiple text inputs, you should:

  • Make the length of the text inputs relative to the length of the information being asked (ie. a postal code will have a shorter length than a street name input)
  • Only make a text input field mandatory if the information is essential to have

When to use

Use an address lookup when a Canadian address is requested. This should be the default option, while the option for manual text entry is only used when a user has an international address.


Allow autocomplete when a user is filling out multiple text fields. This will make the process quicker for users.